Welcome to Mahallah Salahuddin Al Ayubi

Land of Warrior



Our Mahallah offers spacious and neat quad-sharing rooms for the students that provides basic furnishing and a comfortable environment for the students.


The Mahallah boasts a range of amenities such as cafeteria, laundry facility and wifi service to ensure efficient and convenient daily living for everyone.


To promote a healthy and active lifestyle amongst students, our Mahallah provides sports facilities such as volleyball and takraw court.

1 Central Facilities
9 Blocks
256 Quad Rooms

Uniform Bodies

Reserve Officer Training Unit (ROTU) Army

The ROTU is a military programme that trains undergraduate students to be reserve officers for the Malaysian Armed Forces. Those who complete the training will be commissioned as officers in the Malaysian Armed Forces Reserve, either as Second lieutenants in the Territorial Army Regiment and the Royal Malaysian Air Force Volunteer Reserve, or as Acting Sub-lieutenants in the Royal Malaysian Navy Volunteer Reserve.

Reserve Officer Training Unit (ROTU) Airforce

The Air Force ROTU training structure is comparable to that of the Army ROTU. They are trained as air force infantry in their first year. Marching, weapon training (combat rifle), map reading, air force etiquette and customs, and basic field military knowledge are all part of their training. The rank structure of the Air Force ROTU is comparable to that of the Army ROTU. The pattern of their rank epaulette is similar to that of the Army, except instead of green, the Air Force's is dark blue with yellow stripes.

Kor Sukarelawan Polis Siswa Siswi (KOR SUKSIS)

The club is part of the university's uniform bodies that provides opportunities for students to volunteer with the police force. The establishment of a "Police-style" uniformed body in all Public Higher Education Institutions (IPTA) aims to produce excellent graduates who possess legal knowledge, skills, competitiveness, discipline, proficiency, and are equipped with pure values and high self-esteem.

Kor Siswa- Siswi Pertahanan Awam (KOR SISPA)

The establishment of a uniformed body course at the University as a co-curricular program aims to enhance soft skills among students. This uniformed team course can provide additional value to students in terms of soft skills, in addition to emphasizing academic excellence. Specifically, the skills that can be developed through the SISPA co-curricular program include teamwork spirit, cultivating self-values, and fostering a love for the homeland.

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